
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Failure of Production Target of Indonesian Aquaculture, 2007

The production target of aquaculture in 2007 was not achieved because of low support in capital funds, flooding and limited infrastructure.

Infrastructure such as canals for shrimp ponds and even fish seed is limited hence the Indonesian aquaculture could not achieve its target. The flooding in the rainy season also caused great impact. Nevertheless, according to the latest data, aquaculture in 2003 - 2007 period showed trend increase where in 2003 there was 1.224.192 ton and it increased becoming 3.088.800 ton at 2007.

In 2006-2007 period the aquaculture production only increased 15,14 percent from the target of 36,32 percent.

Increase of aquaculture production is because the trend that points to the application of advanced technology, increase of aquaculture area and also support of quality fish seed.

The plan to increase aquaculture production must be supported by continuous development of fish hatcheries as te first chain in the aquaculture production.

Data showed that the increase of aquaculture in 2007 was achieved by mariculture 1.572.700 ton, shrimp ponds 724.900 ton, land based pond 439.800 ton, pen culture64.700 ton, cage culture 165.000 ton and fish rice field 121.700 ton.

Flood devastates Indonesian aquaculture

Flooding that happened in some parts of Indonesia caused the aquaculture sector to loose around 17 Million USD. The loss included was damage to fish/shrimp ponds construction and also fish that was carried by the flood.

According the the Data Center of the Indonesia Marine and Fisheries Department, the damage was recapitulated from 4 province.

Soen'an, the head of the Data Center told that the department will propose to create a social fund to help farmers especially to replace their fish.

The most devastated area was the Central Java Province where the loss was around 10 millon USD, from the damage of ponds, cage culture and shrimp ponds.