
Friday, June 27, 2008

Status of Penaeus monodon culture in Indonesia

Penaeus monodon
The culture of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Indonesia has been devastated by WSSV since 2000 but hopes arise that culture of this species will have a great comeback. Nowadays, broodstock which are free of WSSV has already been developed. The larvae produced from them is also of good quality. With an aquaculture system using polyculture, shrimp culture is even more environmental friendly and able to produce healthy shrimp in culture conditions.

Balai Budidaya Air Payau (BBAP) Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan has succeded in screening Black Tiger Shrimp which are free of these virus. The broodstocks are obtained from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Takalar and Gorontalo through intensive screening. Through these procedures, shrip are free of disease.

Sugeng Rahardjo, the head of BBAP Takalar, Sabtu, said their is a stigma that exists which claims Black Tiger shrimp could not be able to be cultured any more but through recent developments these objective statements are questioned.

The shrimp farmers also applied polyculture so the water could be purified. The technique is simple, shrimp farm use a cleaning pond and also a filtering pond as a companion for the main culture ponds. The water from the cleaning pond is left for 3 to 5 days to kill the virus then flowed to the filtering ponds which is planted by sea weeds, milkfish or baronang.

Sea weeds will supply oxygen and filter the pathogenic agents. Milkfish and or baronang will disintegrate residue in the ponds.

According to Saifudin, the shrimp technician in BBAP Takalar, this technique eliminates the cost for feed. The shrimp consumes plankton which grows because of organic fertilizers. Milkfish and baronang also consumes the seaweeds.

Source : kompas