
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

FDA survey shows fisheries product in good standard

Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has approved Indonesian fishery product and it meets international standard. This was a result of a 10 day visit by FDA to the shrimp ponds and fish processing in 10 cities and 6 island of Indonesia.

Brett Koonsee (FDA) said on Friday (14/9à that Indonesian aquaculture has done well and meet environmental standards and this answers the doubt of USA citizen that Indonesian products are below international standard.

Brett emphasize that the feed of aquaculture does not use extensive chemical products. The development of organic shrimp ponds are thus safe for human. The fish processing
industry is modernized and able to produce high quality product.

Brett also wish that Indonesia could maintain the quality of aquaculture to increase the trust of international consumers towards Indonesian aquaculture product. He also said that the government of Indonesia and fisheries association should not only care for the major aquaculture players but also improve the small scale aquaculture to increase also the quality. If the Indonesia aquaculture is managed and maintained in such a way thus Indonesia should be the largest aquaculture producer.

Martani Husein, (Dirjen Produk Perikanan dan Pemasaran Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) said that the survey done by FDA USA showed the serious intention of USA to Indonesia. The export of fishery product form Indonesia has reached 2,1 billion USD with 690 million USD going to USA. From the total of the export to USA, about 416 million USD are shrimp products (50 000 tonnes).

Indonesia is very thankful for the FDA result, it also proves that Indonesian product could reah international standards.

Source: Surya Online

Sunday, September 2, 2007

NGO wants immediate halt of shrimp farm expansion

Shrimp farming has been destructive and thought to the cause of environmental disaster. Millions of hectares of mangrove forest has been converted into large scale shrimp ponds.

M. Riza Damanik, the manager of sea and coast campaign of WALHI (Friends of Earth Indonesia), said that the shrimp ponds has a negative effect to the environment and the local society. Ironically the mega project is not for local consumptions but exported to countries such as USA, China, Japan.

In detail the effects were decrease of water and land quality, destroyed mangrove ecosystem, social decrease, potential of abrasion, sedimentation and salinization of ground water in the shrimp farm region.

Because of that WALHI, ASIA (Asia Solidarity Against Industrial Aquaculture), dan MAP (Mangrove Action Project) with 35 NGO from various countries will attend “South – North Consultation”, placed in Lampung, from 2 - 6 September 2007.

The consultation forum is important to exchange information also to gather force to resist the expansion of the shrimp farm.

Source Tempo Interaktif