
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inti Kapuas cooperates with CP Prima to culture Arowana Super Red

PT Inti Kapuas Arowana (IIKP) collaborating with PT Central Proteinaprima (CP Prima) will do research and aquaculture of Arowana "Super Red". The secretary of IIKP, Hendri Hamzah, said in the report to JSE (Jakarta Stock Exchange) that the collaboration was in the scope of genetics, disease, and nutrition of Arwana. Hendri said that with this collaboration we hope we acquire important results to increase the productivity of the Arowana aquaculture.

Meanwhile the director of IIKP said that the collaboration with CP Prima was important since CP Prima has the biggest and the most complete aquaculture laboratory. CP PRima has also succeded in research and development in the aquaculture field especially shrimp and fish feed and also management of shrimp ponds.

The IIKP itself is the biggest company that is involved in conservation, culture and marketing of Arowana "Super Red" in Indonesia. This company is one of the 3 company in the world that conserves the arowana.


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