
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

SCI Target for 26 Thousand Tons

The Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI) located at Medan plan to target this year shrimp production of North Sumatera at 26000 tons. The production of this year hopefully increase from last year (which was 20000 tons). All of the shirmp produced is for the export market.

The head of SCI, Savwin said that the North Sumatra shrimp aquaculture will still be dominated by intensive shrimp cultures which culture the Litopennaeus vannamei species. The rest of the aquaculture in that area are small farmers that culture Penaeus monodon.

Specifically the target of L. vannamei this year is around 15 - 20 thousand tons (from the intensive cultures) while the rest will be from the small farmers that comprises 20 - 30% of the previous amount.

The shrimp from North Sumatra usually is exported to Europe, Japan and United States of America. While the production target increase, it is a pity that the farmers could not have the same price as the exporters.

Since January, the shrimp price decrease and at the end of January it became only 4 US$ /kg. The head of SCI said that this was caused by the antibiotic issue but it is not all true because the farmers now doesn't use antibiotic excessively.

The Director of Medan Tropical Canning, Husin Pratama, said that their company had reduced the export of vannamei because the price offered is not competitive in the world market.


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