
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ornamental Fish Farming Open Export Opportunities in Indonesia

Freshwater ornamental fish culture was able to give life to many people at it. In addition to people like going to the beauty of ornamental fish, there are many people who depend of cultivation and marketing of ornamental fish species vary. Not infrequently, some farmers are beginning to pursue the cultivation of food fish such as catfish, tilapia, etc. guramih switch pursue ornamental fish culture. All was done because of the economic potential of ornamental fish farming more lucrative than fish consumption. With maintenance and feeding patterns are almost the same as the consumption of fish, ornamental fish culture capable of generating greater income because the prices are more expensive ornamental fish. The key to cultivating ornamental fish are happy in the painstaking and maintain it.

When compared with the cultivation of fish consumption is almost the same maintenance problems while sales are usually rewarded with a system of fish consumption by the kilogram, ornamental fish valued by the system per fish, with fish farming business so much emphasis quantity of consumption, thus requiring extensive land and facilities more. Farmed fish is more stressed ornamental qualities so that it can be done in a narrow area and can be done as a sideline. If you do not have a vast pond, ornamental fish farming can be done in the aquarium or cement tanks are quite small. If the land available is small enough, we must be more selective in the maintenance of ornamental fish. Ornamental fish are kept pretty good quality, while a lack of good quality should be diafkir due to take place.
There is a wide range of economic Valuable Ornamental Fish is high among other Koi fish, Manfish, Chef, Niasa, Redfin, Lemon, Comets, Sumatra barb, Black Ghost, crocodiles, Arowana and other ornamental fish species. Ornamental fish is a common ornamental fish hobbyists sought and cultivated fish farmers.

One reason why the cultivation of ornamental fish was chosen in addition to having a high selling price, the process of spawning and seed treatments do not require large capital and business hatchery / farmed fish is still in certain areas so that still has vast potential. Because like sometimes ornamental fish enthusiasts willing to spend money to millions of dollars to have an ornamental fish hinting they want. This is what sometimes makes ornamental fish prices soared. In addition to the beauty of ornamental fish preference factors also contribute to determine the price. In general, fish that has a shape, color, beautiful complexion would be worth quite expensive. Herein lies the key to the success of ornamental fish farming, producing fish are beautiful and good quality.

The existence of ornamental fish itself is no longer as mere entertainment or hobby but has evolved into objects to be utilized for the benefit of education, research, medical and nature conservation purposes. Until now, this freshwater fish is one type of non-oil export commodities that fisheries can contribute substantial foreign exchange. With a wealth of ornamental fish are abundant then the chances of Indonesia as an exporter of this commodity is very wide open. Ornamental Fish Farming feasible so intensified in the community.

Ornamental fish farming is one business that provides an alternative source of income to increase income of farmers / entrepreneurs ornamental fish. Ornamental fish culture business prospects sufficiently developed. This is due in ornamental fish culture has advantages as follows:
1. The technology is easily absorbed and applied, because the technology used is quite simple
2. Ornamental Fish cultivation can be cultivated household / small business, do not need large area
3. Rapid turnover of capital, can be harvested in a short period of time.
4. Ornamental fish farming is able Absorb labor.
5. Promising market both domestic and export markets.

Profile of Some Ornamental Fish Farmers

One example of ornamental fish breeders are quite successful breeders of ornamental fish in the city of Jakarta, are now starting to receive orders from abroad such as Japan and England, while the ornamental fish that are of interest are the tetra species of freshwater fish, botiya and zebra. An ornamental fish breeder, in the Swamp Lumbu, Bekasi, Miskun, said demand ornamental fish started coming from overseas buyers and recently he has sent as many as 10 boxes of fish to Japan. Marketing of ornamental fish to come out of the country's interest originated from fish enthusiasts from abroad with the beauty of the fish are cultured in Bekasi and the price is relatively cheap. Efforts ornamental fish culture has been able to increase the local economy and even Bekasi became known as a qualified supplier of ornamental fish.

Another example is Mina Prosperous Farmers Group was formed by the Fisheries Department Tulungagung provincial, district consisting of ornamental fish and the like in the Village Bendiljati Wetan.Pemilik hatchery and aquaculture business in the early plots set up his business take advantage of two existing pools, the owner benefits from the added capital to make the pond behind and front of his house, now has 40 plots around the house and pool location pool with the other 45 plots of land all 3 ha. The development of ornamental fish culture is getting more and more increased since the business was used as a living subject that is able to improve the welfare of the family.

Another success story Koi Breeder Sangkuriang Farmers Group, Farmers Group, with its secretariat at Jln. No. Sangkuriang. RT 1 RW 5 7 Ex. Cipageran, district. North Cimahi, City Cimahi. Farmer groups are a collection of Ornamental Fish Farmers Koi has a background of concern founders saw koi fish farmers in West Java which is less advanced. Though the famous koi blitar excel in Indonesia at this time, the seeds came from West Java. After passing through a long process now Sangkuriang a rating of two Koi Breeder Koi Fish in the international competition in Jakarta in February 2009. This championship is an international championship Koi who happened to be implemented in Indonesia.

According to Ule, Founding Farmers Group Sangkuriang Koi Breeder Koi fish farming has a favorable prospect for many and not limited market. In addition, koi fish sales are relatively stable when compared to fish is just booming louhan moment. Similarly, the treatment is also relatively cheap compared Arowana fish. Each month the group who managed Ule farmer can make a profit of at least Rp 15 million.

Freshwater fish farmers need government attention. For freshwater fish culture has a high potential to improve the economy of farmers that spread in the districts / cities in North Sumatra.

"We continue to concentrate on a facilitator to bring together farmers with the government and all investors. Because the main constraints of farmers in developing freshwater fish farming, namely due to limited capital," said Chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) Sumut Aldi Said Al Idrus accompanied by Deli Serdang Hipmi committee when reviewing the ornamental fish breeding locations in the Village Sekip, Lubuk Pakam.

It is said, in addition to limited capital, the farmers also lack insight and business networks. Therefore, Hipmi will provide training with the involvement of relevant agencies. "They also often have difficulty in marketing."

Before reviewing the location of freshwater fish culture, especially the cultivation of ornamental fish in two places, namely Lubuk Pakam Sekip Village and the Hamlet I Anyar Reef Village, Banyan, all administrators and trustees Hipmi Hipmi Sumatra Deli Serdang do friendship with freshwater fish farmers at home Rofik Jalan Masjid I Sekip Village.

In that meeting, unless the third known obstacles often encountered the farmers, they are also difficult to maintain the standard selling price of the crop of fish dressing. So that this condition be exploited by the middlemen.

Pest Control

In front of North Sumatra Hipmi board consisting of Aldi Said, Aulia Rahman SE, ZE Mukti Purba, and administrators Hipmi Deli Serdang, chairman Amri Farizal Nasution, Head I Syahfitra SE, Zul Sinuraya Amir, and others, an ornamental fish farmers, Rofik admitted because limited insight, farmers in the area are also difficulties in dealing with pests that often affect the fish.

Rofik who has four years to pursue the cultivation of ornamental fish and has a turnover of USD 6 $ 7 million per month, hoping Hipmi can be a motivator and facilitator for them. The same can be said chairman of ornamental fish farmers group the Village Coral Anyar, Tugiman.

According Tugiman, for over 15 years to cultivate ornamental fish culture, economic values ​​obtained are very promising. So he encouraged his fellow sekelompoknya order to achieve the progress that seems able to achieve a turnover reaching tens of millions per month.

Addressing fish farmers constraints and the desire to advance his efforts, Hipmi plans to bring together farmers with Regent Deli Serdang capital owners and entrepreneurs to be held next week. "God willing, next week we can implement this meeting," said Amri Farizal Nasution.

Only in this way, added Amri Farizal Nasution, farmers can directly convey the difficulties faced by businesses and governments can hear it. Meanwhile, investors who will be involved, is expected to help the capital for the development of farmers.

Forward rapidly

Aldi Said Al Idrus back added, when the fisheries sector is now getting serious attention from the central government. Learning from the experience in Japan, before sunrise State had only 5 percent of fisheries potential. But thanks to the seriousness of the government, the next five years Japan has had the potential of fisheries reached 60 percent.

The seriousness of the central government through the ministry of fisheries and maritime affairs, has recently received support Hipmi Sumut 500 thousand seedlings of freshwater fish. "Now we fish seeds submitted to the Office Perikana North Sumatra to be developed in all districts / cities."

Associated with meetings and visits, Said Aldi petemuan promised to do the same on a regular basis to all fish farmers in the districts / cities in North Sumatra. He also appealed to all compartments Hipmi in all districts / cities to do the same.

So that the farmers continue to be motivated and able to increase their yields.

Here is a series of useful tips and hints for beginners to undergo a hobby maintain Ornamental Fish. Ornamental fish certain species can live in a very long time if cared for properly. Therefore, you should have a long-term commitment before starting maintain Freshwater Ornamental Fish.

Here are the steps you need to do before starting to keep the fish:

1. Find as much information as possible before buying fish. Consider the following factors:

How big fish when mature, and whether you have an aquarium large enough to accommodate the size of the fish body as an adult.
Find out about the water temperature, pH ranges and so on
What kind of fish food that is eaten
Temperament species of fish. Whether certain species of fish suitable for incorporation with your existing or want your pet in the future. This factor is often overlooked by penghobist.
Does your pet species will be able to multiply quickly? If so, do you have the equipment when the fish reproduce?
Are the fish to be purchased vulnerable to certain diseases?

2. Buy an aquarium as large as possible within budget and space you have. A large aquarium in the aquarium water causes more stable. For example, if the heating temperature is damaged, and Selling Fish shops were closed, the water temperature will be more stable in a large aquarium. Learn about the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium if you want Ornamental Fish Culture. This important process should you understand if you want to succeed in maintaining a freshwater fish.

3. Learn aquarium equipment before you buy or do Ornamental Fish Culture.

4. If you love to read, buy books on freshwater fish. Reading books is the fastest way to get the information you need to maintain Freshwater Ornamental Fish. Magazine subscription and Fresh Water Fish aquarium is also one easy way to get tips and you continue to learn new things in this hobby, you can also ask the seller Ornamental Fish

5. Provide lots of hiding places for fish. Hiding place would be a place of refuge fish and will lower the stress level ikan.peralatan like that can be found at Shop & Shop Fish Ornamental Fish.

6. Buy aquarium water test kit to monitor the aquarium nitrogen cycle. You can buy a test kit to test the levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. You should also test the tap water if using tap water.

7. Do not place the aquarium near a window. Sunlight entering the aquarium will cause an explosion of green algae. Direct sunlight will also cause increased water temperatures in the aquarium.

8. Do not follow the rules 1inci fish per 1 gallon of water. A better rule is 1 inch of fish per 2-3 gallons of water.

9. Do deklorinasi tap water before being put into the aquarium asked Ornamental deh same fishmonger as they know more about what it deklorinasi hehe .. Buy aquarium filters in Fish Shops & Stores Ornamental Fish that have multiple cartridges, so you can replace one when it is dirty.

10. Do not rinse the filter with tap water. Use of water in the aquarium that you have the time to replace the water filter Fresh Water Fish. Chlorine and kloramin in tap water will kill bacteria nitrite and nitrate removal in the filter.

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