
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

23 Million USD: Fish Export Value of Central Java

The export value of fisheries and aquaculture product of Central Java Province on the periode of January - April 2007 reached USD 23 Million. The end year target is predicted to increase 5% from last years value which was USD 70,6 Million.

"To reach this target we have to increase the quality. This is because the importers ask for a quite high standard of quality" said the Sartono Tirtohardjo, Head of Marketing, MMAF Service, Central Java.

The increase of quality is started from the pre production until the market product. To increase the quality, the government has done several programs to the exporter companies. This is important because still a lot of exporters in this region does not have a certificate of good proccessing. From 30 company of fish exporters, only 8 have this certificate. There is 3 category of this certificate (A, B and C - A is the highest). Without this certificate the company will certainly be banned by the Indonesia government because of internal suspect.

Until now the main commodity of Central java is frozen shrimp, canned tuna, tilapia and sea crab. The destination of export is; USA, Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, China, Germany, Hongkong and Taiwan.

News Source:

SCI Target for 26 Thousand Tons

The Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI) located at Medan plan to target this year shrimp production of North Sumatera at 26000 tons. The production of this year hopefully increase from last year (which was 20000 tons). All of the shirmp produced is for the export market.

The head of SCI, Savwin said that the North Sumatra shrimp aquaculture will still be dominated by intensive shrimp cultures which culture the Litopennaeus vannamei species. The rest of the aquaculture in that area are small farmers that culture Penaeus monodon.

Specifically the target of L. vannamei this year is around 15 - 20 thousand tons (from the intensive cultures) while the rest will be from the small farmers that comprises 20 - 30% of the previous amount.

The shrimp from North Sumatra usually is exported to Europe, Japan and United States of America. While the production target increase, it is a pity that the farmers could not have the same price as the exporters.

Since January, the shrimp price decrease and at the end of January it became only 4 US$ /kg. The head of SCI said that this was caused by the antibiotic issue but it is not all true because the farmers now doesn't use antibiotic excessively.

The Director of Medan Tropical Canning, Husin Pratama, said that their company had reduced the export of vannamei because the price offered is not competitive in the world market.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

2008 = Indonesian Fishery and Aquaculture Export will value at 2,3 Billion US$

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia - MMAF (in indonesian language - Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) set a target for 2008 fishery and aquaculture export value of 2,3 Billion US$ from Indonesia . Freddy Numberi, the minister of MMAF in a meeting with the legislatives of Indonesia said that the value was calculated from an export volume of 1,6 million tons.

In the last two years, Indonesian export has experienced an increase, on 2006 for example, the earnings from this sector reached 2 Billion US$ for the first time. Freddy also explained that from 2004 - 2006 the export volume of Indonesia has increased 6,9%, while its value increase 8,26%. While on the periode of periode 2005-2006 the export volume increased from 857.782 ton becoming 1,01 million tons or from the value aspects increased 9,1 % becoming 2,09 billion US$. About the import of fishery, Freddy told that on 2005 the value was 155.619 dolar AS. Therefore the balance value of Indonesia is still in surplus.

Freddy explained that in the last two years the number of fisherman decreased up to 7,32%. The decrease of fisherman was a result of the increase of fuel price in the country. The increase of fuel price had a significant effect on the fishery sector because fuel is one of the important and the highest operational cost.

Nevertheless, the amount of aquaculture farmers increased 6,21 % in the same periode. From 2,45 million people in 2004 to 2,77 million people in 2006. This increase was caused because of the development of marine aquaculture especially sea weed culture which grows rapidly.

news source:

source of picture:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inti Kapuas cooperates with CP Prima to culture Arowana Super Red

PT Inti Kapuas Arowana (IIKP) collaborating with PT Central Proteinaprima (CP Prima) will do research and aquaculture of Arowana "Super Red". The secretary of IIKP, Hendri Hamzah, said in the report to JSE (Jakarta Stock Exchange) that the collaboration was in the scope of genetics, disease, and nutrition of Arwana. Hendri said that with this collaboration we hope we acquire important results to increase the productivity of the Arowana aquaculture.

Meanwhile the director of IIKP said that the collaboration with CP Prima was important since CP Prima has the biggest and the most complete aquaculture laboratory. CP PRima has also succeded in research and development in the aquaculture field especially shrimp and fish feed and also management of shrimp ponds.

The IIKP itself is the biggest company that is involved in conservation, culture and marketing of Arowana "Super Red" in Indonesia. This company is one of the 3 company in the world that conserves the arowana.


Photo from

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shrimp and Tilapia Still the Best

The export commodity of aquaculture product of Tilapia and Shrimp is still favourable at North Sumatra while the market of these product are still high in demand. The government of North Sumatra has still to optimize the production of both species since the market for them are very good.

The Tilapia fish is the best aquaculture product form North Sumatra where it is cultured in a popular tourist lake, Lake Toba. For example, Aqua Farm Nusantara (a local company) can produce 80 ton per day from its 1500 karamba or floating net cages. The local farmers also build up the local production where at least 5500 karamba (each measuring 6 m²) is present.

Fulfilling the export market is not easy said Yosep (head of North Sumatra fisheries service), since the fish must at least be 800 gr. Yosep said also that the carrying capacity of Lake Toba is stil sufficient and not at its maximum yet.

The shrimp potential of North Sumatra is still yet to awaken since most of the shrimp ponds are still abandoned. Nevertheless the demand for shrimp is a good opportunity for North Sumatra shrimp production.

News Source:

Source Image of Lake Toba:

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Indonesian High School Students Harvest Vannamei Shrimp

The high school students of SMK Negeri 1 Sidayu, Gresik District, East Java succeeded in harvesting vannamei shrimp for their first time. The activity was a practicum for a school subject with the help and coordination from Situbondo Brackish Water Aquaculture Center and also with the cooperation of Tasuke as a company that produce organic fertilizer. Tasuke main goal in this participation is to introduce the usage of organic fertilizer to the shrimp farmers located around the school.

Through the project, it was seen that the use of the organic fertilizer decreased the usage of shrimp feed up to 50%. From 3000 m² of shrimp ponds used, 120 000 juveniles was stocked and 200 kg of organic fertilizer was used.

The shrimp production will only need 400 kg of feed if organic fertilizer is applied, while without organic fertilizer, the amount of feed will be 800 - 1000 kg.

News Source:

Tuna Export from Bali Increased 156%

Bali exporters are not worried at all about the quota system applied to Tuna sales in Europe. The first quartal of 2007 showed that the devisa by Tuna production in Bali increased 156% from last year.

The report of Bali Industri Service said that the realization from Tuna export from January until April 2007, was around 20 million US$. This was a dramatic increase from last years first quartal which was around 7,8 million US$. The volume of sales also increased 150% from 2.450 tonnes in January - April 2006 to 6.141 tonnes in January - April 2007. The average price of Bali's Tuna in the world market is around US$ 3,29 /kg.

At the Benoa Port, 15 km south of Denpasar, there is around 700 units of tuna long line fishing vessels ready to operate to meet the demands of market especially from Japan, United States of America and Taiwan.

Bali also has other fishery products which is export ready. The products are ornamental reef fish, crabs, groupers, milkfish, lobster dan shark fins.

News from:

Picture from:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Neptune Predict Dipasena Sales Will Reach 242 Million US$ in 2008

Neptune Consortium as the new owners of Dipasena Group, projected the next year shrimp production will increase as much as 562% from 6 394 tonnes this year, becoming 42 371 tonnes at 2008. Neptune also predict Dipasena sales will reach 242 Million US$ in 2008.

Neptune will also invest 319 Million US$ for 5 years ahead. Mahar Sembiring as the Director of CP Prima said that the investment is needed for the revitalization of Dipasena. From the total investment fund, as much as 96 Million US$ originated as a credit from Panin Bank Tbk. to CP Prima for the purpose of investation loan and capital funds for plasma farmers of Dipasena.

Dipasena will plan to build infrastructure and also shrimp processing industry, feed mill and hatchery. The shrimp farm that is predicted to be the biggest shrimp farm in the world, plans to use the newest technology available to enhance and increase their shrimp production. The shrimp itself is planned to be marketed to CP Prima clients in Japan, USA an Europe

News from - 2008, Penjualan Dipasena Rp. 2,2 T
Picture taken from FAO website

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Japfa Comfeed latest moves

Poultry and aquaculture firm PT Japfa Comfeed in Indonesia is enhancing production capacity with the construction of two new factories costing Rp 100 billion (US$ 11.3 million).

The company will issue its first bond, worth Rp 500 billion (US$ 5.6 million), in June 2007, for the new factories, which are currently under construction in their location in Bati Bati, South Kalimantan, and in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

more news from World Poultry.

West Kalimantan Province will develop Barramundi Aquaculture

An Initiative to Learn From Australia How to Manage Modernized Aquaculture

The important factors in Fisheries and Aquaculture is the human resource, technology and research. The Australian Fisheries Academy (AFA) located at Adelaide, South Australia, has an important position in fulfilling the previous matters. The academy opens its arms to developing new network and cooperation with other institution. Therefore this opportunity was captured by the Governor of West Kalimantan, Indonesia named Usman Jafar.

The visit to the AFA by the Governor of West Kalimantan was accompanied by Head of Services, welcomed by Steve Mawer, the chairman of Aquaculture Council, South Australia. Also Mark Cody, the director of PT Lugay Samudera, was present at that moment.

The Barramundi (Lates calcalifer) itself is a favorite fish in the fish market. The request from Europe, Hongkong, Dubai, Hawai tends to increase. The price of Barramundi itself is around AUD 11 per kilogram.

Budi Hariyanto the head of Fisheries Service in West Kalimantan said that the opportunity to develop this aquaculture species is possible in the region, but probably the application of new technology is still unreachable since it is still expensive.

Mark Cody offers a cooperation if there are any investors interested. One of the main factors is the potential of the location of West Kalimantan which is relatively close to the world market (Japan, Abu Dhabi, Hongkong and Malaysia). Meanwhile the demand of the fish is also increasing.

Picture taken from Wikipedia.
News Source: Pontianak Post

Aquaculture Project Vacancy in Aceh!

National Consultant Aquaculture Specialist (NCAQ-ARC)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rehabilitation Support Coordination Unit (RSCU)
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Sumatra)

Closing date: 15 Jun 2007 (hurry up!)
Job Description Under the general supervision of TCEO and FAO Representative in Indonesia, the direct supervision of the FAO-ARC Project Coordinator and the guidance and direct technical supervision of the FAO International Aquaculture Consultant, and in cooperation with the National Coordinator, the National Consultant Aquaculture Specialist

further details follow the link below!

National Consultant Aquaculture Specialist (NCAQ-ARC)

First Post!

Dear Readers,

Indonesia is a country that has many resources for aquaculture. Many people do not know the actual development of Indonesian aquaculture because one factor is there is a lack of available information or contents concerning this subject. This blog will present important information and news concerning Indonesian aquaculture. The source of news is acquired from various local websites in Indonesian language also main events concerning aquaculture.

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Roffi Grandiosa